Train Show Season in our region kicked off with the 56th Annual Cincinnati Model Train & Trade Show sponsored by Cincinnati Division 7 MCR NMRA on October 12th & October 13th at Lakota West High School in West Chester, Ohio. This long-running train show always draws a good crowd and once again there was a steady stream of attendees on both days. There’s something for everyone (modelers and families) at this train show with 200+ tables of dealers & displays plus over a dozen operating model railroads in various scales.

The Cincinnati Railroad Club once again had a large presence at the train show, from our own sales tables and membership booth to members participating as volunteers, exhibitors, dealers, and attendees. We had a great crew helping at the club tables selling maps and books and talking with attendees about the club and our various activities.

A few of our members had a little time to take in some of the vendors and model train layouts after their club duties were complete and shared the photos below. One vendor had a model of Cincinnati Union Terminal available to purchase. There was also a young member of the garden railroad club who had his 3D printed steam locomotive running on their club layout and was also 3D printing during the show.

Club member Jonathan Higgins of Train Aficionado put together this video overview of the train show for our viewing enjoyment.
All-in-all, it was another great train show weekend for the club. We’re now looking forward to their Spring Model Railroad Flea Market in March 2025. Hope to see everyone there!